There are two ways to aquire naq. What you naturally produce and what you can steal ie farm.
Natural production relies on how many miners you have, if you have inc planets (and their stats obviously) and your CO (if you have one). If you a naq machine the best you could hope to produce would be around the 150b mark per turn (7.2T per day). However, having an income that high brings about its own little problems, namely farmers.
Stealing naq is another way to gain it. When you regularly steal from someone efficiently, that is called farming. Key word for perg is efficiently. Because of all the rules imposed over the years, everything has to be done efficiently. Simply put, the more efficient you are, the faster your account will improve. Now the hardest part is making a farmlist. Go through every rank and anyone with a large enough income and a def small enough that you are willing to farm over, set them to war. This works two fold, it firstly increases the amount of naq stolen (ie you can farm with 12 ATs instead of 15 to get all the naq) and puts them all onto your rankings by relations page. Do not be fooled, this is a long and arduous process, but if done properly, its worth is beyond measure. After it is done, to use it, just click "attack" then "ranking by relations" and you will find your list there.
It is up to you which path you take, but with farming, you can instantly bank "your" naq against leaving it out vunerable to bigger farmers as what happens with a large income. You can comfortably farm with your 18k ATs (max weekly allocation) and get 5b/AT (90T/week) rather than a risky big income (50T/week) which you may not even see if the right farmers are around. In the end, the choice is yours