Covert is probably the most important stat in perg, yet for some unknown reason, one of the most undervalued by smaller/newer players.
What wont happen for high coverts
- Farming - people wont hit what they cant see
- Sabbing - the spies needed to sab over a big covert greatly increases and hence, so do their losses
- ACing - the larger your covert, the harder it is for someone to have the AC power need to hunt your spies
A high covert is not only a defensive measure, but can also be used offensively. You can spy out new farms, better planets etc, and also sabb away defs/weaps to inflict cost/pain on others. If you do your covert with high levels, you also get the benifet of a larger bank as it will match the size of your next level.
I am sure you have plenty of questions so ask away.